Monday, 20 July 2009

Old School

I don't remember Where The Wild Things Are being read to me when I was little. I remember other books, one about Frog and Toad and the illustrated version of Little Women but not that one. Other baby boomer mums and dads were wild about it as I learnt once discussing kids books with two boomer aunts. I had just expressed my love for picture books and they sighed "ah.......Max".
My response was," Oh, yes Max," and a similar sigh.
Then they said, "I'll eat you up and I thought, "huh?" because we were of course talking about two different Max's. Mine was the Max from Bob Graham's Max about a budding superhero who is taking a little while to find his wings. It's a really delightful read.
And of course the other Max my aunties were talking about was Max from WTWTA who is truly naughty and scary little monster .
I had purchased WTWTA almost out of obligation due to its status as a modern classic. To my shame I brought it home and placed it on the shelf where it languished for a long time. Occasionally I would take it down and read it but its beauty eluded me. I had tried reading it to Jack when he was quite small and it had not been a big hit. And then earlier this year he got it down off the shelf and we gave it another try. The first go I was a bit clumsy but then as I read it again, and I found the secret is to read it quietly and slowly, Jack and I fell in love and I came to appreciate why this book is such a classic. The language is understated, and yet conveys so much and I love the idea that a little boy is so naughty that he can become the king of all wild things and scare them (when they really are a very scary bunch of monsters). Once you find the right rhythm it's a lovely book to read and to get lost in the Maurice Sendak's detailed illustrations. There's a reason why some books are classics and this is certainly one of them.

Where the Wild Things Are
by Maurice Sendak
Isbn 9780370007724
Published by Random House

by Bob Graham
Isbn 9780744598278
Published by Walker Books

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