Sunday, 2 August 2009

Beatle Meets destiny

I have a cousin whose middle name is Lennon. When I first found out I had to clarify whether it was Lennon or Lenin because really I wouldn't have been surprised either way. My middle name is Leanne and I got quite a bit of shtick for that, so I can only imagine what sort of a ribbing he got. But to paraphrase the back of this book:
Imagine your name was John Lennon, only everyone called you Beatle.
And then you meet your dream girl and her name is Destiny McCartney.
But what if you were already with the perfect girl?

Beatle's life is complicated and not just because of the new developments in his love life. Everyday his mother reads him two horoscopes because even though Beatle is a twin he was born six weeks before his sister. Confused? There's more. His girlfriend Cilla is his sister's best friend. Bad idea. And his sister has started dating Destiny's brother. It seems like it's only a matter of time before world's collide.
Beatle and Destiny are likable characters with a strong supporting cast. Also scattered through the book are stories about twins and scientific studies on superstitions, a stalker, a theft, a kidnapped moggy and a pair of missing knickers. It's quirky and fun with a bit of teen relationship angst but nary a vampire in sight. What a relief!